Repository for instructive Masonic Education. One of the most important differences between Freemasonry and other Fraternal organizations is the seeking of More Light (Education). Strive to learn at least one new thing per day.

Disclaimer: This site is not affiliated with any Grand Lodge or appendant body of Freemasonry. If you find any information that is incorrect or you would like to have removed, please send an email to info @ with your name, affiliation, item to remove and reason for removal. We make no warranty to the accuracy of any information on this site. Visitors use this site on their own volition.

The Masonic Trowel: For those looking to learn more about Freemasonry or seeking further light. (2023.02.04)

Cryptic Masons International: Councils of Cryptic Masons form the center body of the York Rite of Freemasonry. A Master Mason may join a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons and receive the four degrees of that organization. After which, he may seek further knowledge in Freemasonry and join a Council of Cryptic Masons. (2023.02.04)

The Masonic Philosophical Society: The Masonic Philosophical Society seeks to recapture the spirit of the Renaissance that brought mankind so many scientific, artistic, and philosophical advancements without seeking to destroy spiritual pursuits. Facebook (2022.12.26)

The Traveling Man Masonic Podcast: A podcast for all Freemasons! Facebook, Twitter, Instagram (2022.10.18)

South Pasadena Lodge California: Masonic discussion videos on Youtube (2022.09.28)

The Winding Stairs: Illuminated Sources, A Modern Man’s Guide to Masonic Light Resources. This guide reveals over 60 Masonic Resources and useful tips to get the most out of your Masonic Education. (2022.09.05)

California Lodge of Research: On Spotify. Various talks on fringe and esoteric Freemasonry topics. (2022.08.31)

The Midnight Freemasons: A group of Master Masons talk about topics of Masonic interest–each from their own unique perspective. You’ll find a wide range of subjects including history, trivia, travel, book reviews, great quotes, and hopefully a little humor as well on topics of interest for Freemasons and those interested in the subject of Freemasonry. (2022.06.24)

Masonic Restoration Foundation: an educational organization that provides news, research, and analysis relating to the rich heritage in Freemasonry and current trends in the North American Masonic experience. (2022.06.19)

The New Voice of Brotherhood: A podcast for the thinking Freemason (2022.06.09)

The After Lodge Podcast: (2022.06.09)

Whence Came You: Podcast, YouTube Channel (2022.10.17)

The Masonic Roundtable: Podcast “spreading Masonic light around the world”. Facebook Page, YouTube Channel (2022.10.17)

The Winding Stairs Freemasonry Podcast: “Created by a Freemason for those interested in the Study of Freemasonry and the Art”. YouTube Channel (2022.10.17)

A Past Master’s Thoughts: “a Past Master and current DDGM in the jurisdiction of Kansas. This is a place for sharing my thoughts and placing some Masonic perspective on them.” (2022.06)

Ohio Lodge of Research: Chartered Lodge in Ohio for the purpose of promoting Masonic education and research. The Lodge meets throughout the year hosted by a Lodge within Ohio. (2022.06.03)

Masonic Service Association of North America: Home of the Short Talk Bulletins. Useful tool for education within lodges.

Masons Lead Better: Uses the tools and lessons of the Masonic Degrees to improve our lives. Can sign up for a weekly Motivational Email

Pietre-Stones Review of Freemasonry: The Masonic Magazine on Freemasonry and Research into Freemasonry made by Freemasons

The Philalethes Society: North America’s oldest and largest international Masonic research and education society.